Thursday, February 23, 2012


This morning the lil' dude had her 4-year-old well child appointment. About 90 days post-birthday, but we had to select a new Ped. since hers left. We were both ecstatic to see nurse K. though, who has been the lil' dude's primary weigher, stat-taker, and fawn-overer since she was 5 days old. We love her. My girl and her favorite nurse talked about school, her sparkly Toms, and horses.

First, she had a hearing and vision screening- we knew the drill since we did it at kindergarten screening last fall. The sight of my little girl, self-pirated with the eye paddle, reeling off Square! House! Circle! Circle again! Heart! made my breath catch. When did she get so big and capable?

She weighs 39 pounds- 73%.
She's 42" tall- 84%.
When asked, she stated her entire name. She mirrored the shapes the doctor drew on paper; jumped, balanced, and copied as instructed. She fell in love with Patches, the plastic giraffe reflex tool the Ped. used on her knees. She now wants one for Christmas.

And when the doctor and her were discussing preschool (since her three children are grads), the lil' dude excitedly said ...

I am not going to preschool next year! When summer is over, I'm going to KINDERGARTEN on the BUS at my NEW SCHOOL- FINALLY!

Oh shit. Oh shit for so many reasons!

1. My baby is counting down the days until she goes to Kindergarten.
2. My baby is counting down the days until she goes to Kindergarten.
3. When she sees that big shiny yellow bus on our street at 7:05am, on Tuesday, September 4th, 2012 and she's not on it, it's going to be bad, y'all. Real bad.

Oh shit for so many reasons.

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